If you’re a childcare provider, are you prepared in the event of a medical emergency with first aid supplies approved by the Iowa Department of Human Services? If not, now is an excellent time to purchase DHS-compliant first aid kits from Think Safe, offering over 300 first aid essentials and items that comply with State of Iowa first aid supply requirements. These requirements are listed under Iowa Code 237A and 441 Administrative Code, Chapter 110. 110.5(1) specifically discusses health and safety conditions. You can review this information at the Iowa DHS Provider Portal.
From gauze, bandages, and eye wash to ice packs, bio hazard bags, and disposable thermometers, our DHS-compliant first aid kits are fully supplied with the tools you’ll need to respond to medical emergencies. And all of them fit securely in an easy-to-use hard plastic carrying case, complete with our four-pocket easy refill system.
At Think Safe, we know childcare is no easy job. It takes skill and heart, patience and imagination. It takes being prepared for anything. So, take some of the guesswork out of your day, and check out our Iowa DHS-Compliant First Aid Kit.
Interested in finding out how Think Safe’s products can benefit your workplace? Simply contact Think Safe at 888-473-1777 or click on the More Information button, and we’ll be happy to contact you. Or, if you like what we do, refer us to a friend!