Newtown, PA – January 6, 2014 –As a result of a recommendation by a responder who saved a man’s life using CPR and an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), the Flamingo Cocktail Bar in Redlands, as well as other nearby businesses, will have access to a HeartSine AED. The donation is part of HeartSine’s Forward Hearts program that enables a saved person or his/her responder to donate an AED to the organization of their choice.

Noel Basilides, an assistant manager at Anytime Fitness in Riverside, was able to use his recent CPR training to save the life of a 75-year old man with a heart condition. The man, who wishes only to be known as Thomas, had just finished his daily four-mile run on the treadmill when Noel noticed that he didn’t look well. Before Basilides could react, Thomas suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and fell on to the moving treadmill before being tossed to the cement floor.
Says Basilides, “When Thomas collapsed on the treadmill, he hit his head and passed out. I thought he was unconscious due to his head injury, but realized it was more serious when he didn’t wake up and then stopped breathing.”
Fortunately for the stricken man, Basilides had just attended a mandatory CPR class the previous week, and knew to call for help, perform CPR and use the AED.
“I have to admit that I was really scared to press that shock button, but was very glad I did. After the shock, we followed the AED prompts to perform more chest compressions and thankfully Thomas started breathing.”
The paramedics arrived a full nine minutes after the call was placed. Thomas’ doctors told Basilides that he survived due to the quick response to use the AED. After a short stay in the hospital, Thomas has made a full recovery.
Adds Basilides, “After being able to save a life because the gym had the AED, I can’t talk enough about the importance of having these devices in all businesses. Frankly I can’t understand why AEDs are not required by law.“
Due to his lifesaving efforts, Basilides was asked by Thomas to choose the recipient of the new HeartSine AED. He chose the Flamingo Cocktail Bar, a popular local family-run bar in Redlands where he also works as a security guard.
Owner of the business, Michael Plunkett is pleased about the donation. “After hearing from Noel about his experience with an AED, we are grateful that he selected our business to receive the donated AED. We intend to provide our staff with CPR training, and will make other businesses near us aware of the AED should they ever need to use it.”

HeartSine joins Think Safe, the distributor who sold the AED to Anytime Fitness, to make the Forward Hearts AED donation on behalf of Thomas and Noel. Think Safe President, Paula Wickham adds, “This is the way things should work. The Pay It Forward Program allows recognition of a life saving event and enables others to share their story and life saving victory over the disease that is the nation’s leading killer. Another life may be saved in the future, outside the gym, due to Anytime Fitness doing the right thing for their club members. Our congratulations go out to HeartSine and Anytime Fitness for another valuable life saved!”
For more information on The Pay It Forward Program or how to get an AED grant or AED donation, fill out the form below. [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Organization Name’ type=’url’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]