Think Safe Blog

Sharing the latest information and a bit about us.

As an industry leader, we like to share your knowledge, experiences and the latest news.

Stay organized with your first aid, the Doc says.

When you find yourself in a high-stress situation, one of the last things you want to do is fumble through piles of supplies in your first aid kit. In our Responder Kits and SET Systems we have our supplies in color-coded bags to match the type of emergency first aid event that’s taking place, or that you’re training on.

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5 Steps to Emergency Preparedness for Caregivers

If you are a caregiver you understand the demanding, and sometimes intimidating, responsibility you have. It’s amplified when you know there’s a chance that the person you are caring for may one day face a medical emergency. There are things you can do to be prepared for those situations in advance, and know precisely what you will have to do and have on-hand.

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5 Basic Steps to Emergency Preparedness – and how we make this easy!

CarePages is a site out there that allows people to submit stories of times when they were patients going through a challenge. Recently there was a story by Linda Foster, MA (medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH) that covered why basic training and first aid supplies will go a long way toward giving you a greater comfort level as a caregiver. The blueshows how Think Safe makes things even easier!

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The Government’s Requirements on First Aid Preparedness

Be it running a company or working for one, you need to know what is recommended for first aid treatment and preparedness protocols. There are groups like Raise Your Hand trying to spread awareness, and of course the United States Department of Labor: Occupational Safety & Health Administration (commonly known as OSHA) does its part to spread the word too.

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New Workplace First Aid Kit Safety Standards Announced by ISEA

ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2009 American Natioanl Standard – a revision to the 2003 edition, was prepared by members of ISEA’s Industrial First Aid Group, along with leading industry stakeholders. Think Safe was included in the preparation process as one of the industry stakeholders (as can be seen listed in the Foreword of the ISEA standard document).

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PackagesFree Offer 1Free Offer 2Free Offer 3Free Offer 4Free Offer 5Free Offer 6Free Offer 7
HeartSine Defibrillator Packages48 Packs of Germisept Multi-Purpose Wipes
50-Pack PPE Kit w/ Purchase of Two (2) AEDs
First Voice Training for 30 w/ Train-the-Trainer with Purchase of Three (3) AEDs
1-Year Subscription to E.M.M.A (Emergency Management Mobile Application) w/ Purchase of Two (2) AEDs
1-Year of First Voice Manager Compliance Software
1-Year of AED Medical Direction
2-Years of Remote Monitoring Cellular Service
GERMIsept Multi-Purpose Wipes PackagesHeartSine Samaritan AED Defibrillator with Purchase of 3,000 Packs
50-Pack PPE Kit with Purchase of 2,016 Packs
First Voice Training for 30 w/ Train-the-Trainer with Purchase of 1,104 Packs
1-Year Subscription to E.M.M.A. (Emergency Management Mobile Application) w/ Purchase of 1,104 Packs
1-Year of First Voice Manager Compliance Software with Purchase of 1,104 Packs
1-Year Medical Direction / Physicians Oversight with Purchase of 2,016 Packs
2 -Years of Remote Monitoring Cellular Service with Purchase of 1,800 Packs
PPE Combo Packages *HeartSine Samaritan AED Defibrillator with Purchase of 4 PPE Bundles
48 Packs of GERMisept Multi-Purpose Wipes
First Voice Training for 30 w/ Train-the-Trainer with Purchase of 2 PPE Bundles
1-Year Subscription to E.M.M.A. (Emergency Management Mobile Application) w/ Purchase of 8 PPE BundlesBUY NOW
1-Year of First Voice Manager Compliance Software with Purchase of 2 PPE Bundles
1-Year Medical Direction / Physicians Oversight with Purchase of 4 PPE Bundles
2-Years of Remote Monitoring Cellular Service with Purchase of 2 PPE Bundles
First Aid Training Package**Free AED included with Ea216 free wipesPPE Combo3 Training Packs – free E.M.M.AFree FVM2 Training Packs = free Medical Direction2 year RMS free
E.M.M.A. Emergency Management Mobile ApplicationFree AED included with EAFree 1,056 wipesFree PPE ComboFree TrainingFree FVMFree Medical Direction2 year RMS free
First Voice ManagerNo OptionsFree 168 wipesNo OptionsNo OptionsFree PPE ComboNo Options2 year RMS free
Medical DirectionFree AEDFree 168 wipesNo OptionsNo OptionsFree PPE ComboFree First Voice Manager2 year RMS free
Remote AED Monitoring SystemNo OptionsFree 24 wipesNo OptionsNo OptionsNo OptionsNo OptionsFree First Voice Manager

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Think Safe knows the landscape of state laws that address the attributes of a comprehensive public access defibrillation (PAD) program recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA) and other national organizations. We're here to help you.

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