ECC / AHA & National First Aid Science Upgrades were released in late 2010. For more information on this see our blog post from October:
Think Safe’s First Voice EID is ready for CPR/First Aid upgrades to be sent to you, our dealers and customers!
Part No. DC01: The $29 upgrade is sent in a datacard and can be easily inserted/changed by following the user instructions sent with the upgrade.
Dealers please contact us for further information on how to provide your customers easy upgrades (email:mmaly@think-safe.com).
The First Voice EID is the only Emergency Instruction Device / Talking First Aid Book / First Aid Calculator on the market for business use, containing all first aid & CPR AHA manual current protocols. The device is easy to upgrade through an accessible dataport on the back of the device as first aid & CPR protocols do change every 3-5 years through scientific studies and advances in first aid / CPR science.
2010 updates implemented in 2011 on the EID protocols include: CPR updates to include compression depth & C-A-B changes for trained rescuers and hands only CPR for untrained rescuers, education & recognition of gasping vs. normal breathing, and advised AED use for infants. First Aid updates include additional heat stroke advice, jellyfish sting updated care, clarification on aspirin use for heart attack symptoms, both US and Canadian Poison Control contact information, bleeding wound care updates (elevation, pressure points, tourniquet, compression bandage use), additional information on when to suspect head, neck or spinal injuries, and snakebite first aid care updates.
Please contact us today for your upgrade:
(email:pwickham@think-safe.com or 888/473/1777)

Or, if you have an outdated SafetyMate model
NOW is the time to upgrade to First Voice:
$50 REBATE on ANY SafetyMate exchanged
& First Voice EID (AVU5001) ordered!
Expires: 3/31/2011