What does the American Heart Association recent guidelines update have to say about cognitive aids and feedback devices?
A quick summary from 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines, Supplement to Circulation Volume 122, Issue 18, Supplement 3 from November 2, 2010:
1) Part 5: Page S697, “real-time CPR prompting & feedback technology such as visual and auditory prompting devices can improve the quality of CPR.”
2) Part 16: Page S920, “non-responders most frequently cited panic and fear of hurting the patient as reasons they were unable to perform.”
3) Part 16:Page 921, “even brief training increases the willingness to use an AED and improves performance.”
4) Part 16:Page 922, “short video instruction combined with synchronous hands on practice is an effective alternative to instructor-led basic life support courses.”
5) Part 16:Page 923, “ECC courses should be part of a larger continuing education and continuous quality improvement process.”
6) Part 16:Page 923, “Checklists or cognitive aids may be considered for use during actual resuscitation.”
7) Part 16: Page 923, “CPR prompt and feedback devices can be useful as part of an overall strategy to improve the quality of CPR during actual resuscitation.”
To find out more about current technology and first aid or CPR checklists, cognitive aids and feedback devices available today and distribution opportunities, contact First Voice at 888-473-1777 or complete the following form and we will be happy to contact you.
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