AED Site Risk Assessment
Many times we get asked at Think Safe the question, “How much risk do I have for someone having a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) here?”
In the previous blog post we spoke about determining the level of risk at your facility and if your facility was at higher risk for having a SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) event. We also provided a list of higher risk facilities.
If you want to now move on to assessment tools, here are some questions to answer:
1) Is it unlikely that the existing EMS system would be able to reliably achieve a “call- to-shock” interval of five minutes or less at this site?
2) Has an SCA incident occurred at this site in the past five years and have the demographics of the population served by this site remained relatively constant?
3) Do 10,000 or more persons regularly gather at this location?
4) Does this site have a large concentration of persons over 50 years old?
5) Is there a high probability of SCA at this site based upon this formula:
A. Take the number of individuals at your location and multiply this number by the % of people age 50 or over.
B. Multiply this number by the average number of hours spent at the location each day.
C. Multiply this number by 350 if the location is residential or 250 if the location is non-residential.
D. If your answer is 600,000 or higher, your location has a high probability of SCA.
If you answered YES to any of the above questions you are at higher risk of having an SCA event and you need to talk to our technical experts or a local rep.
Think Safe can provide a full AED Site Assessment Survey for your use and one of our local representatives would be happy to perform on onsite AED placement assessment. Think Safe’s First Voice product line includes a full line of AEDs and AED accessories. From low cost and rugged solutions our product catalog has what you need to put in place an effective and protective AED program.
For more information, contact one of our AED experts at 888-473-1777 or complete the following form and we will be happy to get in touch with you!
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