There are 5 potential budget items that affect your AED program. Note that any non-compliance, where necessary, leads to a break down in your AED program and does open you to potential for legalities. Once you have an AED program, remember to budget for these items where applicable!
1) Electrode Pads – The majority of the AED models on the market have a 2 year electrode pad life. The date of the expiration is clearly marked on the pad package, an example is shown on this posting for the Philips FRx Rugged AED. Some AED models do have 3.5 yr expiry dates up to 5 yr expiry dates, however. Dates vary due to packaging mechanisms but be sure to follow manufacturer guidelines and expiration dates provided. The electrode pads will dry out and prevent proper AED functioning/use if they are not replaced as needed. Pads range in price from $35-$120, depending on make and model owned.
2) Batteries – The majority of the AED models on the market have a 3-5 year warranty and lifespan. The date of the expiration is also clearly marked on the battery. Various models will warranty the devices for xx years AFTER initial install so be sure to clearly mark your records on WHEN you install the battery for these models. Also, the HeartSine Samaritan and Physio Conrol / Medtronic CR Plus Lifepak or Lifepak Express models have a combo pack you purchase with battery/pads being replaced simultaneously. Defibtech / Cintas does sell a model that has a suggested annual replacement of an off-shelf 9V battery (this ensures their AED performs proper self-testing). AED batteries range in price from $75-$400, depending on make and model owned.
3) Training – AED acquirer state laws many times dictate that you have to ensure expected users are trained in American Heart or Red Cross or equal CPR & AED certified courses (American Safety & Health Institute, Medic First, Health & Safety Institute, Emergency Care & Safety Institute, American Health Association, etc). These certifications range depending on which training org you use but every 1-2 years the certification expires and needs to be renewed. Courses can be obtained locally at Red Cross locations or through the American Heart Association network but also there are over 100,000 instructor throughout the US alone and there are local training centers that can provide a competitive price for CPR & AED, First Aid, and Bloodborne Pathogen or Universal Precautions plus other more advanced or supplemental add-on training classes. Various online solutions are also available. Think Safe has a listing of US training centers and online solutions; contact us at or if you would like to contact a local trainer in your area.
4) Program Manager Software / Database – AED acquirer state laws many times also dictate that the AED has to be maintained to manufacturer and industry standards. This standard generally a 30 day check. Many companies have their own database solution for ensuring equipment is checked regularly and records of these checks are kept on file (big companies). If you do not, there are online solutions that are inexpensive but key in helping to not only auto-notify your AEDs are checked to standards but also the log and records of all AEDs are filed and backed up regularly for legal protection. A nice comprehensive UNLIMITED user solution at $25-$50/location (customer) can be seen here, showing it’s full capabilities:
5) Medical Oversight – AED acquirer state laws in approximately 20 states requires a licensed physician or “certified healthcare provider” to oversee the AED program. This is NOT an Rx! Proper Medical Oversight includes sign-off by the appropriate license owner referred to in that state law on: AED/CPR training of the organization (who is trained, how often, what they are trained on); AED placement and markings; AED communication; AED policy; AED maintenance & upkeep procedures. Contact Think Safe at if you are not sure if your state requires medical oversight. Medical Oversight costs anywhere from $75/AED to $350/AED or some companies chose to hire medical direction and pay a retainer annually. Think Safe has a national network of medical directors and can provide a quote for efficient medical oversight for your organization, charging you for locations ONLY where mandates require it. In some cases, we can connect you with a local FREE source for medical oversight. Call for more details. AED distributors/dealers are encouraged to call as well.
Think Safe [VIEW OUR BIO] is a certified Women-Owned Business (WBENC) providing first aid & defibrillator expertise to clients since 2004. Known for technical assistance to customers on: [State AED acquirer laws] [AED funding sources and grants] [AED program management solutions] including [Medical Oversight] [& Online AED database / record-keeping compliance software].
References available . Please feel free to contact us at 888-473-1777 or complete the following form and we will be happy to get in touch with you!
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